What fees will I need to pay?

The following fees and charges are payable by you if and when the service is provided, the expense is incurred, or the relevant event occurs, unless otherwise specified.


When is the fee payable


Base arrears administration fee

(Initial 30 days)

  • Payable if arrears are equal to or greater than $100.

  • This fee is debited to your loan account shortly after your monthly repayment was due, but all or any part (in excess of $100) remains unpaid.

  • This fee is in addition to our right to charge the default rate of interest and any other fee applicable on default, including the default notice fee.


Serious arrears administration fee

(Greater than 30 days)


  • Payable if arrears are equal to or greater than $100.

  • This fee is debited to your loan account shortly after your monthly repayment was due, but all or any part (in excess of $100) remains unpaid.

  • This fee is in addition to our right to charge the default rate of interest and any other fee applicable on default, including the default notice fee.


Dishonour fee

  • Payable whenever a payment to us under your direct debit authority or by any other method is dishonoured.


Third-party administration fee

  • Fee for dealing with a third-party matter.

  • Third-party costs are costs reasonably incurred by us in providing the service and include such costs as legal costs, document custodian charges, land registry fees, any type of security registration fees, and electronic processing fees.


Default notice fee

  • Payable to cover our costs associated with reviewing your loan account, considering our approach and issuing any default notice.


Land Use Victoria fees

  • Payable to record the statutory charge.

  • Payable to remove the statutory charge.


PEXA fees

  • Payable to record the statutory charge.


  • Payable to remove the statutory charge.
